Crystal Tones®



Cuencos de Crystal Alquímicos       

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Existen más de 140 tipos de cuencos, cada uno tiene su nota, su afinación, una frecuencia, y propiedades específicas de alquimia simple y de mezcla avanzada. 

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Androgynous Indium Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1

Yin & Yang Balance

The deeply violet-hue iridescent bowl contains Indium, a non-synthesized natural substance for vitamin and mineral absorption, balance in body alignment, centering, clearing and integrating male/female aspects of self. Radiating the violet light of ascension (I AM ONE), the Androgynous Indium bowl illumines one's Interior Life, allowing all aspects of Self. Embracing the physical shift to male/female balance, we fully dance the expanded frequencies of Enlightenment that transcend cultural belief systems.

Egyptian Blue Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1


These beautiful bowls were designed and created exclusively by Crystal Tones to harmonically link the wisdom of the Ancient Ones with the modern healing technology. The Egyptian Blue Bowl® is modeled on the Quartz Crystal Egyptian Bowls from the 13th Dynasty Thebes, Egypt.

Grandfather Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1 


Ceremonial thunder and Earth energies are the essence of the Grandfather Bowl that radiates wise patriarchal energies. Connect and ground with the Earth’s elemental kingdom and the ancestral wisdom of the Grandfather vibration in your heritage for grace and inner knowing. Iron-fused quartz crystal inspires diplomacy of traditional values. Acknowledge grandfather’s ancestral gifts in his etheric crystalline headdress and feathers.

Grandmother Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1

Wisdom of the Ages

Every Grandmother’s love and caring is represented in this beautiful bowl. We honor the feminine energies in all and the Goddess/Crone as she reclaims her power on Earth. Embrace your soul’s ageless feminine wisdom and the spiraling DNA of creation/birth with The Grandmother Bowl. The Crone is Gaia energy. She is free of menses, aligned with the graceful strength and dreamtime magic of the Swan and shamanic practices, at home in her body. Time apart and discernment expand her divine wisdom. Grandmother, Crone and Goddess walk the Grande Mother path.

Indigo Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1

Indigo Mastery 

A quantum healing instrument, Indigo links the pituitary gland and skeletal system, clearing the mind. Freeing our attachment to the past, Indigo awakens inherent psychic abilities. It invokes the master within and gives clarity to psychic abilities and speaking one’s truth. The Indigo carries a Third Eye vibration of those who are fully realized at birth – natural spiritual teachers. It assists them in aligning with Earth energies. This bowl is perfect for Indigo children/adults and for visualizing global peace.

Laughing Bhudda Crystal Singing Bowl - G1 

Joy & Laughter

Our Laughing Buddha Bowl is a life-enhancing sonic journey into childlike wonder where laughter, delicious "sacral cremesicle" colors and smiles come out to play. This bowl is all about relaxation, letting go, Divine creative ideas, prosperity, peace and wisdom. The body loves a belly laugh! We birth more peptides and endorphins through laughter - a life enhancer at its very core- keeping us in the higher frequencies knowing laughter really is the best medicine. The Laughing Buddha Bowl radiates the love, compassion and joviality of Eastern teachings.

Ocean Indium Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1 


The Ocean Indium Bowl holds a higher, softer magenta frequency that communicates to and assists the body in morphing to an anti-aging, balanced state. Enhanced with Indium, a trace element that promotes longevity and mineral absorption in the body, the Violet and Indium sine waves of this bowl expand Spirit within. A catalyst for improved lifestyles with a greater flow of chi, better diet, mobility, third eye (pineal gland) activation, a fuller spiritual alignment and balanced male and female energies. Manifest the cosmic blueprint of whole brain experience with The Ocean Indium Bowl®.

Smokey Quartz  Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1

Earth Connection

The Smoky Quartz Bowl promotes positive mental and spiritual thinking and the art of staying grounded and balanced. This bowl works the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras for creativity and planting one’s roots in the rich soil of the Earth. Serene Smokey Quartz energies encourage centeredness, joy, cooperation and clarity and are a Golden Brown Rainbow of Earth Tones for the coming of the Crystal People to planet Earth, according to Hopi prophecy.

Tesseract Salt Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1

Sacred square form for manifestation, grounding the fourth dimension, building a strong structural foundation to connect and ground us to manifest the divine on this planet. Direct grounded connection to Mother Divine.

Violet Indium Sky Crystal Singing Bowl - G1

Spiritual Spectrum

Aqua Aura Gold Crystal Singing Bowl - G2 

Transcendant Male

This powerful Alchemy bowl helps balance the overly analytical mind and transmute blockages that cause disharmony. A psychic center and yang alignment activator, the Aqua Aura 24K Gold Bowl deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.

Aqua Aura Marine Crystal Singing Bowl - G2


When the Aqua Aura Gold Marine Bowl is played it creates a synergy - a unity that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. The resulting increase in mass consciousness makes way for shifting into the oneness.

Chronium Crystal Singing Bowl - G2

Chromium supports intuition and universal communication. Promoting a strengthened energetic field of truthfulness, chromium encourages any quantum frequency expansion.

Mother of Platinum Crystal Singing Bowl - G2

Divine Mother

A natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum that creates a mother-of-pearl essence and opalescent finish and carries an energy of Venus, the matriarchal goddess of love. Microscopic bubbles added to the quartz produce a pastel elegance with a nurturing vibration of water elementals. The beautiful and spherical completeness of pearls represents an ever-present fullness of Spirit. Powerful and effective in working through emotional issues and giving birth to mature Divine Mother/Gaia energies in a sound stream of comfort.

Platinum Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl - G2

Divine Feminine

A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

Abalone Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl - G3

Oceanic Wisdom

Wisdom of the sea, beauty and majesty in their natural fluidity, mother of pearl radiance gleaming through the oceanic portals of the sands of time. Cleansing and purifying. Atlantean energy.

Charcoal Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl - G3


Move into uncharted spiritual and physical dimensions with the pure crystal charcoal bowl alchemy, a grounding tool for today’s rapidly accelerating and expansive energies. The ultimate sound portal for clarity, personal vision and release of physical, emotional, and spiritual toxins. Highly prized in ancient Egypt as early as 1550 BC, and for centuries in Japan, bamboo and other charcoals are often used in physical and spiritual healing because of their ability to absorb toxins and impurities. Quartz crystal with charcoal creates neutralizing positive ions in a waveform that “makes everyday life better.” An anecdote for poisons in the body and environment, charcoal can help uplift and remove negative states of being. The Charcoal Bowl can help dissipate confusion and achieve balance. As one moves through life’s crossroads this crystalline-infused energy offers guidance for problems or situations that are arising. With intention, this bowl can be a helping agent for removing negativity, bringing about hope, unconditional love, nurturing, grounding, appreciation of the feminine and nature. Evoke mystic visions, spiritual and romantic love, tenderness, kindness, sensitivity and psychic abilities.

Dead Sea Crystal Singing Bowl - G3

Sacred Purification & Healing

Grounding transmitter, physical healing, aiding in our own self healing energies, activates the super healing energy within. Sacred vortex from Israel.

Green Heart Aura Gold Singing Bowl - G3

Abundance of Love

Made of gold. This bowl is about opening the heart fully to giving and receiving love. It creates strong roots that help us to connect in a universal manner with all life. The feeling of Oneness of connection to all that is. It allows us to be more understanding and compassionate with others.

Green Heart Ocean Gold Singing Bowl - G3

Loving Kindness

Made of gold, fired in a special process to create the green color. It is about opening the heart fully to giving and receiving love and embodying radiant health. It allows us to be more kind and open and compassionate to others in the process of living in this human body. Green Heart Ocean Gold carries the power of the ocean in an ongoing, healing stream, in an ebb and flow of golden green energy.

Kyanite  Singing Bowl - G3

Clearing Negative Energy 

Powerful in energy clearing, Kyanite creates pathways of consciousness where formerly, there were none. Bridging auric and emotional blocks between individuals, it clears, opens and activates all chakras simultaneously and instantaneously. Kyanite is an extremely powerful transmitter and amplifier of high-frequency energies.  It builds energetic bridges of light and information between incongruent aspects of the experience. This alchemy builds an energetic light bridge for a more harmonious connection and communication, opening psychic channels and activating mind centers. The Kyanite resonance accentuates mental capacities and improves one’s ability to “download” information for higher sources by linking the physical, astral and causal bodies.

Lemon Angel Singing Bowl - G3


Being in one's power, energetically centering and connection to your core and third chakra. High frequency with the gold brings in activation of your personal power, within a gentle, loving presence and all that is. This bowl creates a light, uplifting and centering presence and frequency.

Lemon Aura Singing Bowl - G3


Being in one's power, energetically centering and connection to your core and third chakra. High frequency with the gold brings in activation of your personal power, within a gentle, loving presence and all that is. This bowl creates a light, uplifting and centering presence and frequency.

Mystic Hot Springs Singing Bowl - G3

Mother's Womb

This bowl is all about connecting one with the Earth. Its energy creates a warm embrace, comforting like a mother's womb. It allows one to soak up the different elements and minerals from the healing Mystic Hot Springs through sound.

Pink Angel Gold Singing Bowl - G3

Angelic Dreams

This is a gentle, soft angelic vibration. It connects one with the angelic realms, giving one clearer insight on their path and greater trust in the perfect unfolding of life. It is divinely magnificent and pink angel gold connects us to this energy. 

Pink Aura Gold Singing Bowl - G3

 Angelic Dreams

A high-frequency love alchemy resonating with the pure energy of the Magdalene. A companion of unconditional and courageous love, Pink Aura Gold resonates the enacting of all activities from a heart-centred origin. The radiant healing love source vibration guides the heart to inspire the mind.

Sage Aura Gold Singing Bowl - G3

Healing Through the Heart

Touching all layers of the heart giving protection and strength. The wisdom of Sage Aura teaches us that our hearts are stronger than we know. It can help to heal beyond a cellular level and support the ongoing growth of gratitude and love. It restores the heart to its purity of love.

Shungite Singing Bowl - G3

EMF Balancing

Ancient stone of Life, an alchemical miracle stone, unlike any other- promotes positivity and removes negative energies and thoughts. It is a grounding and clearing stone which protects against the absorption of EMF from cell phones, computers, WiFi, etc. Shungite can assist in cell rejuvenation and is a catalyst for growth and transformation.

Amethyste Singing Bowl - G4

 Ascension Now

A spiritually enhancing crystalline bridge of pure quartz and amethyst, this violet ray bowl supports the expansion of the crown chakra, creating a "temple of grace" in any setting. Amethyst is a master energizer and conductor, an important catalyst that expands and focuses intention with a clear connection to Source. It is a chalice of light often selected by spiritual teachers. The award-winning, sound-innovative Amethyst Bowl evokes serenity and intuitive ability and is the perfect companion for balance of heart and mind, often called "the longest journey."

Angel Gold Singing Bowl - G4

Apophylite Singing Bowl - G4

Merkaba Activation

Functioning as a light magnet of the Matrix, the Apophyllite bowl creates electromagnetic frequencies that activate the awareness of the natural circuitry we are living in. The lustrous tones of this alchemy bowl bathe you in frequencies of liquid light, leaving you with crystal clear vision to see through the shadows and illusions that surround us. This bowls triangular sacred geometric structure represents the Godhead, uplifting the body, mind, and spirit. Apophyllite dispels discouragement, and casts light on all things, thereby providing a clear roadmap, to the next step you needed in order to release and manifest your divinity on this planet in its highest, lightest full-frequency form.

Aqua Aura Pink Aura Gold Practitioner Singing Bowl - G4

Aqua Aura Gold

This powerful Alchemy bowl helps balance the overly analytical mind and transmute blockages that cause disharmony. A psychic center and yang alignment activator, the Aqua Aura 24K Gold Bowl deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.

Blue Moonstone Singing Bowl - G4

Telepathic Communication

Moonstone encourages inner harmony, new beginnings and rebirth. Supporting inner balance, peace, harmony, and intuition, Blue Moonstone, also known as the “ lovers’ stone”, enhances passion, balancing yin and yang.

Carnelian Singing Bowl - G4

Sexual Balance

For those intending to build confidence, courage, and passion within themselves, the Carnelian alchemy works to activate the first, second and third chakras, bringing an influx of life force, sexual and creative energies and assertive will. Confidence, divine sexuality and movement into higher chakras to create passion in ones relationships and life work are the results of Carnelian frequency work. As one expands their awareness, a merging of the sexual with the spiritual without judgment of concepts or beliefs is allowed to occur, opening the flow of one's core sexual energy and moving it into the Christ energy frequency. Serving our inner beloved first and then serving others with an open willingness, free from ego makes Carnelian a potent tool to help clear competitive energy and empower both of the beloveds, thereby enhancing awareness of the Divine connection. This clearing of negative patterns in relationships offers access to the higher available frequencies, cultivating an awareness of the truth that vulnerability is actually power.

Celestite Singing Bowl - G4

Ascended Masters

Celestite is an angelic alchemy that aids divine guidance, and fosters blissful communication with the higher realms. The heavenly overtones of Celestite bridge heaven and earth, and attune you to your divine essence. In giving voice to higher harmonic wisdom, the Celestite Bowl enables you to “sing your sacred song” in this multi-universe. This alchemy activates the throat chakra, third eye, crown and above, allowing you to connect with spiritual realms of light, thereby fostering your inner knowing that “All is One”.

Chrysoprase Singing Bowl - G4

Healer's Heart

Green Chrysoprase expresses the vibration of Divine Truth as it promotes joy and happiness. While supporting healing the heart of the energies of depression and anxiety, Chrysoprase attracts new love, abundance and prosperity. This loving crystal is an excellent companion stone to aid other healing stones to work more effectively.

Frankincense Singing Bowl - G4

Connecting Heaven & Earth

Elevating personal and spiritual love, Frankincense heightens awareness by inspiring and awakening our spiritual senses. Transforming and expanding our consciousness; frankincense accelerates spiritual growth as it opens the crown chakra, causing the energy bodies to align within the physical.

Frankincense Platinum Singing Bowl - G4


A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

Lapis Lazuli Singing Bowl - G4

Speaking One's Truth

The stone of truth, integrity and prosperity, Lapis enhances wisdom, inner vision and mental clarity. It encourages feelings of serenity and loving acceptance of self. Lapis helps us exhibit our inner power while purifying the spirit and our thoughts. Lapis is supportive in our interactions with our spirit guardians.

Lavender Sunset Gold Singing Bowl - G4

Release of Emotions

Activates the crown consciousness in a gentle, loving way. Lavender also assists you in learning to relax and supports the release of emotions no longer serving you.

Lepidolite Bowl - G4

Emotional Strength

Supporting physical detoxification, Peridot releases negative emotions fostering emotional balance and inner peace. It attracts love and calms anger from within. Enhancing confidence Peridot helps us see our own light promoting access to our inner vision and joy.

Pink Himalayan Salt Bowl - G4

Grounding the heart and emotions, centered emotional body. Connecting centering balancing core. Sacred Himalayan Mountains. Ancient memories and wisdom, heart playfulness in the inner child.

Pink Ocean Gold Alchemy Bowl - G4

Angelic Dreams

A high-frequency love alchemy resonating with the pure energy of the Magdalene. A companion of unconditional and courageous love, Pink Aura Gold resonates the enacting of all activities from a heart-centred origin. The radiant healing love source vibration guides the heart to inspire the mind.

Rose Platinum Bowl - G4

Love Activation

A heart-to-heart bridge energy for emotional healing and calming, Rose Quartz encourages inner harmony, softly opening the heart center to energize our love source. A heart-to-heart bowl for emotional healing and calming. Known as the "stone of gentle love," natural rose quartz is fused with pure quartz crystal in this award-winning "most transformational product of the year" bowl that encourages inner harmony. Softly opens the heart center, relieves tension, heals etheric fields, assists in relationships and aligns the chakras while energizing our innate love core.

Sedona Red Rock Bowl - G4

Rapid Transformation

This powerful alchemy is a connection key to the Sedona Stargate of awareness as a triad vortex sandstone mixture of Airport Rock, Bell Rock, and Cathedral Rock, in Sedona, Arizona, the frequencies resonate with the Native American ascension harmonic. Temperance in service to spiritual energy to nurture a coming together of all peoples in Oneness, The strength of the Sedona Red Rock vortex energy offers a transformational doorway to our ancestral connectedness. Merging into the Stargate, one recalls the sacredness of ceremony, and the importance of the work we are doing know on this planet. Uniting with Elder Energy and embracing our service mission with praise and gratitude, we more readily accept this state of re-birthing and truly see the fear frequency patterns as a temporal and temporary illusion. The sacredness in the process of spiritual progress is the calling of Red Rock, as one experiences the Sedona frequency and allows the overtones of its truth to permeate the great All. A Ho, I AM, We God.

Selenite Bowl - G4

Clarity of Mind

Selenite is the sonic wand of healing. The sound of Selenite can be directed with laser-like intention to work on specific areas of the body or used to cut away etheric disharmony, disease or blocked energy. The sonic waves of Selenite can also be used to cover thousands of directions at once, cutting cords and freeing you from the draining effect or bondage of unhealthy relationships or connections. Selenite combines synergistically with any bowl in a symphony of sound, amplifying whatever energies one wishes to work with. Its fiber optic quality makes it a powerful energy scanner, keeping you on the cutting edge of awareness and personal power.

St Germain Sky Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G4

Ascended Teaching

Is made of Pink Gold and Platinum. The St. Germain Sky bowl is a powerful master teacher. Through St. Germain Sky Alchemy comes the wisdom of ascension. It supports the embodiment of high vibrational Source Energy in our physical body. It holds the energy of Divinity in action through our humanness.

Super 7 Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G4

Our Divine Magnificence

This high vibrating stone is a spiritual powerhouse. Super 7 connects us to the highest sources of guidance and inspiration. Activating wisdom and strengthening intuition, it purifies, balances and energizes all the chakras and the auric bodies, aligning them with the highest spiritual frequency.

Tibetan Quartz Cooper Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G4

Bridging the 4th Dimension

Blended exquisite antique Tibetan bowls (and their Om Mane Padme Hum prayer energies) with the purest quartz crystal frequencies for a highly conductive marriage of ancient and Aquarian sonic healing. Copper and quartz can electrify and optimize healer’s energies that balance body and auric fields. Copper rapidly transmits and amplifies thoughts while opening and clearing crown and base chakras. The Tibetan Copper Quartz is an excellent catalyst for transcendence.

Violet Aura Gold Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G4

All is One

Through Violet Flame Alchemy comes the wisdom of ascension by supporting the embodiment of high vibrational Source Energy in our physical body. Holding the energy of Divinity in action through our humanness, this energy combines with ruby and diamond, white gold, kyanite and silver to create a rich tapestry which helps us connect to our true magnificence, the divinity in our humanity.

Violet Flame Sky Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G4

Transmute Illusion

These bowls are both master teachers. Giving one a flame of protection and access to deeper realms of understanding. It helps to transmute negative energies and see through the illusions of things, especially things that do not serve our higher good.

White_Light Aura Angel Gold  Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G4

Akashic Connection

White Light Aura Gold - This alchemy helps in downloading Akashi information from the blueprint of your matrix. It bridges higher dimensional consciousness, especially for Star People, to the present. It soothes the separation of consciousness and eases anxiety. White Light Gold supports in developing and heightening spiritual awakening in physical reality. It also enhances psychic and channelling abilities. When infused with another alchemy, White Light Gold is able to upgrade and transform other elements into a higher Cosmic State of existence. - Yantara Jiro. Purity of the Heart White Light Angel Gold - Illuminates the brilliance of Light within us. Serves to nourish our being through Divine Guidance. Bridges trust with self to bridge in alignment with Heart and Source Energy. Able to weave through stagnant energies and access cosmic wisdom. - Yantara Jiro

Yagna Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G4

Cleansing Karma

The sacred ashes from yagna ceremonies across the world have been infused into this powerful bowl. They contain the offerings of many thousands of mantras to a large host of gods and goddesses from Ganesha, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Shiva and Vishnu. The ashes from these sacred fires have a very high-frequency signature that carries all the values and blessings of the yagnas. This energy is transmitted through the sound produced by the bowls, and assists in the absorption of higher truth and wisdom.

Anchi Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Ancient Chi

At least 1.6 billion years old, Anchi crystals are the Ancient Ones in the mineral kingdom. Supportive in maintaining a desired energy level throughout the day, Anchi is a unifying source for a naturally harmonized energetic field. As wholeness is maintained, a natural connection to Higher Self is achieved. Placed near the heart and third eye, Anchi synchronizes atomic and quantum systems including the chakras creating a powerful manifestation field.

Andara Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Heart's Desire

Unique green colored volcanic stone for working with the heart. Sacred Flame is activating the heart and burning away any obstacles that keep you from living fully in your heart presence. The special green lava, transmuting anything that doesn't keep you in the heart.

Azeztulite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

I Am Light

Azeztulite is a celestial connector of the “I AM” energy. The frequency of spiritual light above and below us is linked, and the resulting energy sphere is highlighted in the third dimension for heightened consciousness and understanding. This powerful alchemy changes our cellular energy, allowing our awareness to properly expand and illuminate. Azeztulite is said to be among the highest vibrations in the Mineral Kingdom. Attuning to it can activate the third eye and crown chakras, as well as chakras above the head in the etheric body. As a special conduit for this energy, the clearing of disease in its many forms is permitted, allowing for an ease in the experience of being in the world, but not being of it. Merkaba ascension is fostered as one more easily tunes in to the pulses of the universe, activating the bridges for dimensional travel. Azeztulite is considered to be the primary stone of the Great Central Sun, and can create many changes both personally and globally as we move into the Age of Awareness. Achieving this universal higher-state frequency is greatly accelerated with this potent crystal alchemy, as one more easily recognizes and claims their universe citizenship. (Enhance Azeztulite with: Diamond, Morganite, Sunstone)

Black Tourmaline Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5


Black Tourmaline is the ultimate purification and protection bowl, transmuting anything in your life that keeps you from living your divine purpose. It enlightens you to be, fully aware, fully present, and fully empowered knowing; “I am divinely guided, I am divinely protected”. This alchemy is perfect for anyone working in challenging environments, as it clears and absorbs the blackness of negativity and disharmony. This powerful purification bowl clears toxins, addictions, attachments and obsessions. The potent frequencies of Black Tourmaline have the innate ability to clear entities and unhealthy attachments, ridding you of the resonate frequencies that attracted them in the first place. The extraordinary tones of Black Tourmaline work on all levels from the lowest to the highest dimensions, dispelling scattered intention while providing a grounded path for light to enter the earth plane.

Citrine Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Personal Power

A member of the quartz family, Citrine combines a joyful, cohesive golden yellow energy of pure quartz frequencies that align root and solar plexus chakras. Citrine dissipates and transmutes negative energies while purifying and balancing auric fields. A legendary "merchant's stone," Citrine helps expand/maintain wealth. The Citrine Bowl, a catalyst for excellent communication, mental acuity and new beginnings, enhances optimism, balance, initiative and personal power.

Emerald Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Spiritual Love

The Emerald Bowl alchemy blends heart and grail energies with powerful quartz crystal, radiating through the heart chakra from Divine realms of loving intention and wholeness. The Emerald Bowl is an exquisite tonal waterfall of flowing heart healing, helping alignment with heart wisdom, encouraging Higher Self purpose – centeredness, emotional balance and courageous, compassionate living from one’s Life Core. This exquisite fourth chakra bowl is power-packed with love, opening one’s heart to Universal Grace which some say is the Holy Grail. The Emerald Bowl’s fourth chakra water energies radiate love, inner peace, wealth and abundance and are strong spiritual “heart medicine”, helping the physical heart and emotional body release imbalances/challenges and feelings of unworthiness.

Imperial Topaz Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Manifesting Dreams

The golden ray of manifestation, Divine will in ones life. Imperial Topaz fosters the tuning of ones desires and creativity into more lucid channeling and dreaming with a super-clearing of the emotional body to align, enliven, and bring life force in for manifesting one's pure intention. This alchemy has a potent calming effect on the adrenals, keeping one's focus on their highest vision. Use this gem tonality to accelerate big shifts of awareness and avoid getting pulled back into old frequencies. Push through limitations into the next levels of awareness. Imperial Topaz will resonate with the energy that will help draw us to others that embrace similar harmonic fields.

Kunzite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Divine Love

Kunzite alchemy calls forth your divine companion and embraces your beloved, clearing illusions of separation and isolation, transmuting vacant physical attraction into the consciousness of heart-centered love. The alluring tones of Kunzite allow you to discover the heart-knowing and awareness that “our beloved is but a mirror of our radiant self”. Utilize the alchemy of Kunzite to call in your divine companion and embrace your beloved as this powerful alchemy clears away illusions of separation, isolation and transmutes lust into heart-centered love.

Labradorite  Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Dimensional Ease

The matriarch of the subconscious, Labradorite facilitates the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought. Expanding psychic abilities as Labradorite strengthens our auric field and promotes communication with our highest self.

Larimar Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Wisdom of Atlantis

Larimar has a soft blue color and carries the energies of the sea and sky. It helps one to understand their purpose in life and find their place in the overall scheme of things. With its connection to the wisdom of Atlantis and the ocean, it allows the release of all emotions that do not serve and supports going with the flow of things. It aids in clearer communication and unblocking emotional pain.

Lemurian Seed Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Lemurian Sar Bridge

This bowl taps us into the world of Lemuria, where all information is stored from the beginnings of time. This is a very powerful tool in accessing other dimensional information and wisdom. Lemurian seed opens one to receiving divine downloads. 

Malachite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Free of Ego

Malachite is a strong protector of children as well as a supportive stone of balance in relationships. A mirror of the soul, malachite accesses the inner person and reflects what is there reminding us to fully know and guide our own journey.

Moldavite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Star Bridge 

A dark green tektite stone alchemized with pure quartz to create intensive harmonic healing portals to higher consciousness. A loving, crystalline bridge to the stars. Extraordinarily beautiful Moldavite dark green tektite meteor stones melt with pure quartz crystal for an extraordinary journey. This divine fusion creates healing portals to higher consciousness. Moldavite (from Moldavia) links the stardust knowing of the crown chakra with the wisdom of the heart, activating all chakras at higher inter-dimensional frequencies to assist in reaching life potential. A true crystalline bridge to the stars.

Morganite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Unconditional Love Morganite is the crystalline embodiment of divine love through service in ones’ life. Fully grateful and resonating with divine love, Morganite is a subtle translucent frequency that nurtures a state of higher awareness, higher being, and Grace. With purity and gentle passion for divine will in action, the overtone that this beautiful alchemy exudes, promotes the Oneness that allows us to hold the love frequency with clarity, seeing the illusion of the past without regret, and helping manifest self-forgiveness. Morganite offers a conformational energy that allows you better to see that everything is perfection in process. Old burdens and tragedies dissolve as we fulfill our self-teaching, and the realization that the hardest lessons in life are the most important to our alignment and mastery. The clearing of habitual relationship patterns that no longer serve us is often a by-product of this alchemy, as we honor the unity of Spirit and embrace the Angelic Heart.

Ocean Gold White Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Ocean Gold

The Ocean 24K Gold Bowl combines a Neptunian pearl-like waveform with bubbly, playful dolphin pod energies that encourage loving communication. This bowl can enhance the immune system and activate the thymus gland. The "We Are One" throat chakra knowing promotes shared leadership and teamwork. Yang frequencies of gold and water elementals create love, balance, self-realization and attunement with nature's healing forces. The communicative, happy frequencies of our cetacean friends are the essence of the Ocean 24K Gold Bowl - a remarkable sonic tool for mastering the art of flow. White Gold Alchemy The master healer energies of Gold work powerfully with the Solar Plexus, enhancing self-esteem, artistic expression and prosperity resulting in a frequency that enhances self-confidence. Pure Etherion Gold frequencies dance through our White Gold bowl with surreal fairy-like energies of imagination, creativity and Inner Child overtones of joy and transformation. A chiffon-like blend of yellow and white gold unites with quantum-leap quartz crystal for a softer, subtler yet higher frequency that enhances self-confidence.

Phenacite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Portals of Light

Start your energetic engine and get ready for inter-dimensional travel with the sound of Phenacite. This high-frequency alchemy resonates with the hexagonal sacred geometry of the Merkaba, and resonates with advanced beings who are ready to embrace their magnificence, activate their light body, and sail into the multi-universe. The Phenacite bowl spins a galactic vortex of dynamic energy for evolution, and becomes a birthing portal for quantum leap consciousness, clearing all obstacles to move one forward and up to the next level with lightning speed. (Enhance Phenacite with: Carnelian, Imperial Topaz, Moldavite & Clear Apophyllite.)

Pink Tourmaline Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5


Expressing love of humanity and humanitarianism, Pink Tourmaline is the stone of unconditional love and friendship. It radiates the highest frequency of love encouraging compassion as it releases emotional pain. Creating peace and promoting communication between the conscious and unconscious minds, it allows psychic awareness to blossom.

Rhodochrosite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Heart Harmony

For the healing and purification of one's emotional body, the intense energy rooted in Rhodochrosite amplifies and intensifies joy, and the action of loving oneself fully through the expansion in awareness of ones inner beauty. In helping us to face our deepest secrets, this alchemy assists in the process of rediscovering the playfulness of our inner child, allowing us to drop the extra emotional weight that has been holding us down. The energy of self-forgiveness and confidence is embodied in Rhodochrosite, allowing for the activation of positive attributes in our life of habits. As attention moves toward the blockages that we now choose to shift, one can release the suffering connected to past lives, and begin to recall forgotten talents. Anxiety will wane as stress is relieved and the aura is cleansed. Rhodochrosite nurtures one's capacity for tender love, and wholeness energy integrates into the awareness of the subconscious. On the physical level, Rhodochrosite improves eyesight along with pancreas, spleen and kidney function.

Rubi Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5


This magnificent “stone of nobility” is a powerful instrument of loving guardianship with an empowering vibration radiating universal wisdom, the wholeness of health, quantum and atomic transformation, spirit love connection and abundance of wealth. The Ruby Bowl sounds a lavish red spectrum that “lights” interior planes of Self. Ruby crystal carries an enduring, perfectly brilliant diamond frequency that we crave in relationships, enhancing soul-love connection, Tantric practice and unifying root and crown chakra energies. Available in Ruby, Ruby Clear, and flat round and Practitioner Series®.

Rubi Emerald Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

The Ruby Emerald™ bowl takes heart and soul activation to a powerful new level with this Advanced Alchemy™ combination of the radiant green heart chakra energies of Emerald and the powerfully passionate and noble red Ruby. With the love of the heart chakra connecting the root and crown chakras activated by the crystalline brilliance of Ruby, these bowls activate our hearts on the highest planes, enhancing our awareness of Universal and unconditional Love.

Shungite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

EMF Balancing

Ancient stone of Life, an alchemical miracle stone, unlike any other- promotes positivity and removes negative energies and thoughts. It is a grounding and clearing stone which protects against the absorption of EMF from cell phones, computers, WiFi, etc. Shungite can assist in cell rejuvenation and is a catalyst for growth and transformation.

Sunstone Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Divine Masculine Grace

This iridescent bowl calls for the divine masculine to come into grace with the emergence of the feminine. As the harmonics coordinate the masculine to move into the grace of wholeness, alignment of the two bodies in that frequency promote a clearing of emotion and the activation of a deep awareness of the inner light, the Central Sun. The Sunstone alchemy nurtures joy and a balancing of the mind, increasing vitality, courage and and optimism. As a sonic penetration of the dimensional masculine body, Sunstone is a catalyst for the masculine to evolve toward graceful integration with the feminine, allowing one to stand without ego, to embrace the nurturing aspects of the divine mother. Sunstone teaches leadership skills. It offers clarity when making decisions and generates deep empathy, allowing father to nurture and mother to hunt. As awareness increases, roles will evolve, and this ability to act in accordance with our higher consciousness will assure that our decisions affect others in more positive ways. Self-discipline, humility, empowerment, and wisdom are also byproducts of this powerful alchemy.

Tiger Eye Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Free of Judgement

This carries the energy of freedom from judgment, having no preconceived notions, balancing stealth and vitality, a tigers strength of will, courage and emotional imbalance, relieves anxiety and supports emotional healing.

Turquoise Pink Ocean Gold Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Clear Guidance

Turquoise Expressing an uplifting and calming aspect, Turquoise guides spiritual attunement, healing emotions and balancing the auric body. Compassionate in working with the throat chakra, Turquoise is a master healer, attractor of prosperity and fertility. A loving provider of strength during vision quests. Pink Ocean Gold The soft and nurturing embrace of our love source, with the strength of ageless wisdom, grace and healing. Pink Ocean Gold sings of the power of the heart in accomplishing a life well lived through compassion and courage.

White Gold Crystal Singing Bowl - G5

Illuminated Brain

Etheric Gold: Pure Etherion Gold frequencies dance through our White Gold bowl with surreal fairy-like energies of imagination, creativity and Inner Child overtones of joy and transformation. The master healer energies of Gold work powerfully with the Solar Plexus, enhancing self-esteem. artistic expression and prosperity. A chiffon-like blend of yellow and white gold unites with quantum-leap quartz crystal for a softer, subtler yet higher frequency that enhances self-confidence.

Diamond Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G6

Divine Radiance

The transcendent high frequency of diamond stimulates and opens all of the chakras with intensive light on the crown and etheric chakras, serving as a reminder of one’s spiritual destiny.

Tanzanite Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G6

Enlightented Compassion

The sweet loving tones of Tanzanite sing the epic harmony of truth while celebrating the dance of authentic self. Tanzanite calms and soothes the mind, synchronizes heart with the brain, allowing clear speech and expression of truth.  Tanzanite sets the stage for you to drop the masks of self-protection and deception, and embrace your true self with enlightened compassion, inviting joy to join you in the dance.  The song of Tanzanite creates a communion with body and soul, giving an eloquent voice to the heart.  By calming your overactive mind and synchronizing the heart with the brain, Tanzanite allows you to clearly speak your truth, and claim your heart's desire.

Divine Brother Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Creating Community

A strong and fierce expression of what it means to be in true brotherhood, strengthening bonds of loyalty and devotion. Masculine playfulness works with protection and support allowing the strength to look at ourselves and accept ourselves unconditionally.

Divine Father Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Masculine Magnificence

Expressing the balance of Masculine Grace within the Divine Family Bowl gallery. Divine Father supports and strengthens us as we embrace the multidimensional relationships we are experiencing through the expanded integration of our light body. A fully realized balance of atomic and quantum field is recognized through the compassionate frequency of Divine Father. Divine Father help us to work with the Divine Feminine within. It awakens our ability to use the power of "order" and therefore supports our energies to utilize the Universal Principles for creation. Divine Father is balanced within itself as it understands the Law of Cooperation. It also helps us to bridge the intellectual mind with the Divine mind.

Divine Grandfather Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7


Grandfather influences the connecting and grounding with Earth’s elemental kingdom and ancestral wisdom of the Grandfather vibration, expressing our heritage for grace and inner knowing. Ceremonial thunder and Earth energies are the essences of the Grandfather Bowl that radiates wise patriarchal energies. Iron-fused quartz crystal inspires diplomacy of traditional values. Acknowledge grandfather’s ancestral gifts in his etheric crystalline headdress and feathers.

Divine Kryon Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Kryon Decoder

A unique and beautiful Crystal Temple, the Divine Kryon Alchemy™ Crystal Singing Bowl Temple has been created by Jan Tober. Jan is the co-author of the Hay House best selling "Indigo Children" books and has worked side-by-side for 23 years with Lee Carroll, the original channel for KRYON.

This newly created Alchemy, the Divine Kryon™ bowl is exquisitely beautiful, and its frequency is extraordinary. The energy of the bowl is "recalibration and clearing." This new bowl is being featured in each custom DNA activation reading that Jan Tober is known for.

This Alchemy is a combination of Apophyllite, Moldavite, Imperial Topaz, Pink Emerald, Platinum, Silver and Indigo.

Divine Mother Dark Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Feminine Magnificence

A facilitator of enlightenment and ascension of human consciousness into awakened Divine Love in action, the Divine Mother guides us to claim our divinity now and translate that divine perfection through the temporary physical.

Divine Sacred Geometry Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Micro Macro Forms

The Divine Sacred Geometry Crystal Singing Bowl is a blend of Quartz, Apophyllite, Celestite, Imperial Topaz, Pink Emerald, Platinum, Silver and Indigo. Expressing vibrational technology through sacred geometry, the Sacred G bowl promotes full spectrum vibrational healing whilst influencing how we create our external reality.

Divine Sister Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Service of the Heart

Bring out our listening ear and accepting support so we can melt into calm knowing we have our back.

Divine St. Germain Sky Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Removing Obstacles

This Alchemy is made up of Diamond, Kyanite, Ruby, Silver, White Gold Alchemy and St. Germain Aura/Sky.

Divine Violet Flame Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Immaculate Connection

This Alchemy is made up of Diamond, Kyanite, Ruby, Silver, White Gold Alchemy, Pink Aura and Platinum

Divine Will I Am Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Will in Action

Supporting the heart’s inspiration of the mind, Will I Am is our guide in multidimensional relationships ensuring that we exhibit unconditional love and wisdom through our interactions. As our heart opens we radiate the loving divinity of the universal mother from within our individual emanation.

St Germain Aura Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7

Mastering Ancient Wisdom

Holds the frequency of this Age of Aquarius inspiring flow and wisdom. St Germain Bowl uplifts well-being and is considered to be a very healing nurturing bowl. It bridges higher wisdom for One to receive insights, guidance and creativity. DNAs healing from the energetic level is also enhanced through this alchemy. - Yantara Jiro 

Silver Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G10

Our Solid Silver Bowl mirrors sophisticated elegance for the Aquarian Age and calls forth the sonic muse. With the look and feel of sterling silver, its yin healing qualities are powerful connectors to Source, creating and amplifying sacred space. Our blessed Balinese silver bowl cleanses with a pure colloidal effect as it balances and clears emotional/physical bodies, empowers intuition and rings with a "hallowed grounding" effect (much like Hematite). Silver is the cording energy for astral and physical bodies and the perfect complement for gemstones/minerals.

Supergrade Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G14

 100% purity of quartz crystal, master of masters in Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Supergrades are often Master Portals, Master Gateways, and/or Master Stargates. They serve as Spiritual Masters and Teachers; powerful doorways to inner discovery, giving empowerment and initiating activations. Supergrade bowl allows one to connect easily to the Earth Vortexes of the Earth, serve as an energy resonator to Planets and Stars depending on the sizes of the bowls. It can be also understood as a Divine tool that will enable the player to access deeper quantum states of Universe.

Solid Platinum Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G31

A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

White Gold Alchemy Kyanite Crystal Singing Bowl - G31


Powerful in energy clearing, Kyanite creates pathways of consciousness where formerly, there were none. Bridging auric and emotional blocks between individuals, it clears, opens and activates all chakras simultaneously and instantaneously. Kyanite is an extremely powerful transmitter and amplifier of high-frequency energies. It builds energetic bridges of light and information between incongruent aspects of the experience. This alchemy builds an energetic light bridge for a more harmonious connection and communication, opening psychic channels and activating mind centers. The Kyanite resonance accentuates mental capacities and improves one’s ability to “download” information for higher sources by linking the physical, astral and causal bodies.

Mother of Platinum

A natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum that creates a mother-of-pearl essence and opalescent finish and carries an energy of Venus, the matriarchal goddess of love. Microscopic bubbles added to the quartz produce a pastel elegance with a nurturing vibration of water elementals. The beautiful and spherical completeness of pearls represents an ever-present fullness of Spirit. Powerful and effective in working through emotional issues and giving birth to mature Divine Mother/Gaia energies in a sound stream of comfort.

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